Weeping Bottlebrush ( Callistemon Viminalis ) This is a large shrub to tall tree which grows to about 8 metres,with a graceful,weeping appearance, narrow leaves and brilliant red bottlebrush flowers. It grows well in heavy soils but will grow in poor soils in damp situations. This shrub occurs naturally along the creeks of coastal New South Wales and Queensland . Because this shrub is suited to this climate, it will grow quickly, providing colourand food and protection for birds. It will attract a lot of nectar loving birds such as Lorikeets and honey-eaters and is a pollen source for European bees. Callistemon spp. will also attract certain butterflies to your garden. Being one of the smaller callistemons, this shrub is ideal for small gardens or for larger ones. It could be planted along creek or dam edges for stablilization or, because of it's weeping nature, planted to create a screen. |
The Pipe Plant (Aristolochia Tagale) is a vigorous vine that deserves a place
in all gardens, especially if you wish to attract the magnificent Cairns Birdwing
Butterfly to your garden. This vine is reported to be one of the food plants for this butterfly. This butterfly could easily become endangered and therefore encouragement of expanded habitat for them is important. The vine naturally occurs in coastal rainforests and drier scrub. Plant in semi shade as a vine or as a scrambler and water regularly during our dry period for establishment. It flowers throughout the year and produces seed capsule that look like upside down parachutes. Propagate from seeds or cuttings. The genus was named from the Greek aristos, best and lochia, childbirth, as the flowers resemblance to a foetus was said to indicate use as an aid to childbirth There are records of the Aborigines having used aristolochia in midwifery Article by Irene Kay, Whitsunday Garden Centre |
J.Stewart. Del. J.S.Murdoch. Sc. |
1. Lord Derby's Kangaroo 2. Aroe Kangaroo 3. Parry's Kangaroo 4. Woolly Kangaroo 5. Brush Tailed Kangaroo 6. Rat-Tailed Hypsiprymnus 7. Rabbit-Eared Perameles |