FaunaOz      A group at Yahoo groups which is designed to have carers in Australia help each other and discuss common interests and problems

Queensland Wildlife Rehabilitation Council Inc   The Queensland Wildlife Rehabilitation Council is the peak representative body for wildlife rehabilitation in Queensland and provides a collective voice for members.

Fauna Rescue of South Australia   This site has everything

Wildnet      Caring for Australia's wildlife

Wildlife Rescue Magazine

Eco Barge Clean Seas Inc.
Lot 281 Boatyard Rd, Mandalay, Qld 4802
PO Box 804, Airlie Beach, Qld 4802
M 0417 642 815
P 07 4946 5198
F 07 4948 0986

Tweed valley Wildlife carers    Our group, Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers, is based in the heart of the beautiful Tweed Valley. Situated on the eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range, on the East coast of Australia, about 110 klms from Brisbane to the North, and about 880 klms from Sydney to the South

Queensland Environmental Protection Agency   Inc QPW

Wombaroo   The Wombaroo Homepage

Wildlife Qld Wildlife Qld aims to provide understanding and effective management options for suburban wildlife. Our goal is to equip everyday people with the means to live side by side with frequently encountered backyard fauna without frustration or fear

Click here Click on the logo to visit the Australian Wildlife Protection council site.
A Site Dedicated to the Issues Surrounding the Kangaroo 'Industry' and Other Wildlife in Australia
Click here Site by a family of carers who live north of Cairns in Tropical North Queensland.

FRW Animal Records http://www.frw.org.au/AnimalRecords/AnimalRecords.php

RSPCA http://www.rspcaqld.org.au

Queensland Museum http://www.qm.qld.gov.au/

Save Our Foreshore http://www.saveourforeshore.com/index.shtml

World Wildlife Fund http://wwf.org.au

The Australian Nestbox Company http://www.ozbox.net.au/

FauNature http://faunature.com.au


Advantages of Membership of the State representative body.

r A collective voice for rehabilitation.

r Access to a network of carers across the State.

r Financial membership offers cover under QWRC's Public Liability and Volunteer Workers Insurance policies.

r Support with wildlife rehabilitation and welfare.

r Access to QWRC endorsed training courses.

r Access to professional advice, information and data.

r Access to Best Practice Guidelines.

For more information visit

Or contact Jacqui on
Ph: 07 4947 3308
M: 0427 176 966


Listed below are links for contacting the various Wildlife Rescue services and other useful numbers for your convenience If you know of other Voluntary wildlife Organisations that would like to be entered on to this page, just e-mail us with contact information and a bit about them and we will do the rest

Fauna Rescue of South Australia 08 8289 0896
Marine Animal Stranding Hotline 1300 360 898
RSPCA 07 49534265
Whitsunday Shire Council 07 49450200
Land for Wildlife 07 4947 1810

This Organisation gives the opportunity for the general public of helping wildlife by way of sponsoring animals who are in need of care. The cost of caring for injured, sick or orphaned wildlife can become an expensive process depending on the care each animal requires. To help eleviate this burden for carers, with you Sponsoring an animal will help eleviate the cost in caring for wildlife and you also get the satisfaction that your sponsorship helps our wildlife

Marine Animal Stranding rescue
The Marine Animal rescue service is a vital part of Wildlife caring. From whale to Dolphins, they help return our watery friends back to where they belong....the ocean. Without them many animals would die.
Alot of effort is needed to help return these animals back to the water. For more information and to
know how you can help contact them on 1300 360 898

Home page     Who We Are     Animal Spotlight     Birds     Caring for Echidnas         Formula & Growth charts     How you can help     Injured wildlife? Now what??     Links     

     Our Sponsors     Snakes     Stories     Wildlife in your garden  

Nothing matters more than having someone who cares
Thank goodness for wildlife rescuers